
2010年3月7日 星期日

Sonya Kitchell - Soldier's Lament


 He fight, and he pray, he love, and he bleed to know satisfaction was not his need and when he walks,
 stands tall as he can for he is a man,
 yeah, he is a man and when he cru*les,
 resovle to the ground like burnt bits of paper,
 life flutters around...     
 a man who's lost in the fight to be free...
 We have been out running for all of our lives no chance in stopping each other we lost sight
 In the back of his mind is a **iling face the one who said,
 "you know, it's no race"... the one who said, 
 "you got time to breathe"... "
 because child you're born, 
 we're all born free"
 But the back of his mind is the back room so dust enshrounded, 
 then no dust broom Stands a chance to clear the cobwebs way so there in the back, 
 in the dark it will stay tell me son, 
 what're you living for?
 tell me boy, 
 what're you living for?
 tell me son, what're you living for?
 tell me,tell me, what're you living for?
 他战斗, 他祈祷, 他热爱, 他流血。
 没错, 他是一个男人
 就像燃烧的纸片, 生命飘散...
 正如有人说道, "你知道, 这不是比赛"
 正如有人说道, "你可以休息了"
 告诉我 孩子,你为什么而活着?
 告诉我 小伙子, 你为什么而活着?
 告诉我 孩子,你为什么而活着?
 告诉我,告诉我, 你为什么而活着?

